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Oscar Simoza

Director of Spirits

Oscar is a native of Venezuela and came to the United States to visit his brother and never left, instead taking a bartending job at Johnny D’s in Davis Square before moving on to Silvertone, a Downtown neighborhood bar. 

In 2022, Oscar joined BiNA Family Hospitality to lead the beverage program at jm Curley and Bogie’s Place while working to curate a wholly new program at The Wig Shop. In 2024, he mentored the beverage team at Temple Records, Sushi@ and Somaek. Somaek is a James Beared Award semifinalist for “Best New Restaurant” and “Top 50 Best Restaurants” in the U.S. by the New York Times.

Oscar is a James Beard Award semifinalist as an “Outstanding Professional ion Cocktail Service”, for his efforts at The Wig Shop.